The Best Ag Technologies Talk to Each Other

The Agrian platform integrates from a wide range of sources empowering users to control their data all in one place. Data is only as valuable as your ability to use it – quickly, conveniently and seamlessly. That includes the ability to collect data efficiently and integrate various sets of data from different sources. Agrian enables this process by nurturing relationships with scores of industry partners to give users the highest possible level of control and versatility in managing their Agribusiness data.
For example, Agrian allows users to set-up an integration with John Deere, Climate, or Raven to seamlessly, and wirelessly, transfer data straight from the equipment, to the cloud, to their Agrian dashboard without ever touching human hands. With wireless technology in a harvester or sprayer, and an Agrian license, you don’t even need a USB drive. Users can even save time with other file types by dropping those files into Agrian’s Uploader Tool for processing Shapefiles, Veris, Satloc and Ag Otter data.
Agrian has worked closely with several equipment and technology companies to integrate with in-cab data collection software to simplify this part of an operator’s job. These include John Deere’s JDLink Connect, Raven Slingshot and Climate Corporation’s Climate FieldView. In the case of John Deere, the two companies have been collaborating for years.
“About five years ago, we launched the John Deere Operations Center, which is our digital ag platform,” explained Chip Donahue, Manager, Business Segment Strategy, Intelligent Solutions Group at John Deere. “It is designed as a platform that others can build applications on top of or to use our APIs [Application Program Interfaces] to exchange data. We were looking to fill some gaps in our portfolio within the Operations Center, and Agrian rose to the top of our list; we already had a good business relationship with Agrian, and the tools they have are very good.”
From the Combine to the Cloud
“By working with Agrian, our customers can leverage the capabilities of our Operations Center and Agrian NextGen tools in order to make the workflow for the user more seamless and easier, which is really the point of everything we do,” Donahue continued.
Donahue says we continue to release Operations Center tools to make it easy for the customer and their trusted advisor, like notifications, which is software that posts notifications about field events, such as the completion of harvest in a field. “Agrian consumes that, and they are able to notify their customers, which in many cases are the large ag retailers,” he explained. “Having that notification allows the agronomist to do or recommend the next step, such as doing soil test, or spreading fertilizer, or making a rec. It’s part of the workflow that Agrian provides.”
The two companies have integrated other things, like remote display access, which allows the user (such as an agronomist) to remote into a John Deere machine display on the inside of a tractor or combine cab, and they can see what’s going on so they can do remote support. So, if someone is having a problem executing a prescription or setting up a machine, it can be done remotely instead of having to drive out and do that.
Donahue believes that working together, companies with different strengths can create technological synergies that benefits the end users.
“We know that farmers don’t farm alone,” Donahue said. “They have many, many different advisors that support them – agronomy companies, banks, insurance companies, other equipment companies, etc. The folks at Agrian are subject matter experts at things like writing recommendations for fertility, pests and diseases. We believe there’s a network effect by having the best-in-class integrated into our platform. Agrian is one of the best-in-class. They are a world-class organization providing many, many tools that we will never build. It’s better to leverage existing knowledge, expertise and tools that are already built than building your own.”
Aligning Efforts to Create the Best Products
“We understand that just having more data isn’t useful unless that data is truly integrated in a way that reveals something couldn’t be seen before or allows our customers to make informed decisions more quickly than they could in the past,” concludes Peter Brandt, CTO at Agrian. “To achieve that end, we believe in playing nicely with others in the industry; we each perform critical roles in making seamless data integration possible and practical.”