Tips & Tricks from Agrian’s Label Center

Agrian’s label database is massive. It’s the only database that we’re aware of that has over 10,000 manufacturer reviewed and indemnified labels. The database is supported by over 400 manufacturers, from large giants like Bayer to smaller organic operators like Agrinos.
The database is designed for speed, giving access to labels via a desktop or iOS mobile devices. Users can access general label information, crop-specific details (rate, REI, PHI), and safety data (PPE and DOT information) without opening any supporting PDFs, keep in mind these crop-specific details are for reference only, the ideal crop-specific information is found in the manufacturer’s label. Agrian houses the manufacturer approved label PDF’s if you need to access those supporting documents, and crop-specific information. It also does not require a login and is free to everyone. Searches are limited each day to 100 without logging in and 200 once logged in to prevent the scraping of data. With a simple phone call, access can be increased.
Here are some features that you might not be using today, but can be huge time savers and help you refine your search.
Agrian’s Advanced Tab
Located to the right of the label center is Agrian’s Advanced tab which allows you to search by a whole host of features. For example, you can search for organic fungicide products, registered in Michigan, for use on blueberries.
Find Similar Products
When searching a label, you can access “Find Similar Products” under the general tab. By clicking on the hyperlink, you’ll be able to find products with a similar active ingredient.
Request a Package Size or Label Directly from the Label Center
At the bottom of the general tab, you can also request a package size or a product to be added to the database. These requests are reviewed daily, and team members work diligently with the manufacturer to get them added to the database.
Documents Tab
A host of attachments is within the section including the label, SDS, supplemental labels by state and commodities and organic certifications. The consolidation of all the documents in one spot makes for an efficient search.
You can add the label center to your website
You can easily add Agrian to your website. CLICK HERE to learn how. If you’d only like to see your labels, please CLICK HERE for more information, please note there is a fee associated with this functionality due to programming and customization.
Did you know?
The database is updated daily and about a third of it annually.